New Bedford, Massachusetts is a city that is challenged by almost every measure. It has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state and the lowest rate of insured employees. It leads the state in rates of obesity, heart problems and diabetes cancer related to lifestyle. Problems with substance abuse, gang activity and teen.
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Monthly Archives: February 2015
I am thinking about the data of my research project in which changes in weight are, as theory predicts, a part of shifts in the family system. Get functioning up, anxiety down and the symptom resolves. Getting functioning up and anxiety down almost always follows a shift in the family system.
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Reflections (continued)
Posted by Ann Nicholson
Reflections (continued):
Rather than write a formal article, I have decided to continue with what I started last time which would be a series of reflections. I am hoping this will assist me in producing something more substantial and publishable at some future date. I am hoping also to clarify my own thinking….writing and interactions with.
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Social Pressure and Differentiation of Self by Andrea Schara
How hard is it to be who you want to be? How much do you conform to what others need or want you to be? How challenging is it to see relationship pressures?
The effort to define one’s self to important others is usually a tension.
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Differentiation and learning
Posted by Jim Edd
Jim Edd Jones
February 1, 2015
Differentiation and Learning
Differentiation and learning is a big topic. One small corner of it is how the level of differentiation of individual and system play out in the learning of complex skills to an expert level. We’ll consider only individuals who have attained expert level in some complex skill,.
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Greetings festwg members,
I am attaching a word document that is the abstract of a presentation for the
Spring meeting of the Bowen Center on Differentiation of Self. Please consider
the questions at the end. Thanks.
Differentiation of self in regressing systems
Stephanie J. Ferrera, MSW
Murray Bowen observed that human systems, at times of increasing anxiety, become vulnerable.
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