Monthly Archives: February 2019

I have been trying to think of an objective way to understand the Trump phenomena. It certainly demonstrates the limitations of cause and effect thinking and an individual orientation. It is easy to see Trump's part but he is not the whole story. He is part of the regression but not the cause of it,.
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Is it possible that our lives are predetermined by our emotional reactivity to others? If so what can we learn from considering that to some extent we are all living on Shakespeare’s stage? Think about King Lear who tells us about the down side of pressuring others to follow and flatter the “boss”. If you are.
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As an economic unit, the family provides the material resources needed for the survival, care, and wellbeing of its members. Over the estimated 100,000 years of existence of modern humans, the conditions under which families have found, developed, produced, and distributed resources have changed dramatically. Ian Morris delineates three major modes of "energy capture"--foraging,.
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