About: Ann Nicholson

Recent Posts by Ann Nicholson

I am working on  expanding my thinking on man's relationship with the earth. I have been reading Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs and Steel" for the second time. I am struck by the fact that food production allowed for small groups or tribes to increase their populations as well as support members who were free to.
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I have just read all the current posts as well as earlier posts. It made for a thought provoking morning for which I am most grateful. I am thinking of how I maintain the status quo and what it will take for me to move differently. Along side of this, I think of society's response to.
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    Reflections (continued):   Rather than write a formal article, I have decided to continue with what I started last time which would be a series of reflections. I am hoping this will assist me in producing something more substantial and publishable at some future date. I am hoping also to clarify my own thinking….writing and interactions with.
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    I continue to work on a project to understand the variation in behavior in living organisms to the presence and absence of resources and how a changing environment influences interactions between and among organisms and groups of organisms. I am trying to gather information from the natural world to explore evidence of the same instinctive process.
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