About: Erik

Recent Posts by Erik

Differentiation is a psycho-physiological mind state associated with a way of functioning in the multigenerational family. Transcendental Meditation cultivates differentiation of self. The techniques of Bowen theory are different from TM, but their target is the same. Those inspired to grow differentiation of self have a rich menu of tools and techniques to.

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The theoretical physicist and public intellectual Carl Sagan, in his science fiction novel “Contact”, tells of an advanced society from another galaxy that decides it is time to share their wormhole technology with earthlings. The technology allows humans to travel to meet them. The heroine of the story, played by Jodi Foster in.

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I'm thinking of submitting this abstract for the Bowen Center's annual meeting.  Deadline is 6/16. Suggestions?
Abstract:  Can Peaks States of Anxiety-free Awareness Increase DOS?
Erik Thompson
Bowen theory proposes a direct relationship between differentiation of self and chronic anxiety.  It contains tools for stretching differentiation which are predicted to reduce chronic anxiety.  If differentiation can pull anxiety, can it.
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Prying Ourselves from Cages of Loyalty with Slippery fingers? "The Banshees of Inisherin" A film by Martin McDonagh Streaming on HBO MAX Review by Erik Thompson In Irish mythology, a Banshee is a harbinger of death, OK? So think twice about watching the English playwright Martin McDonagh's new film. But "Banshee" has a ring to it, right? Is it as.
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Dear FEST,  Below in bold you will see one sentence that links my Thoreau-vian adventure with DOS.  -Erik
Erik Thompson
In many traditions, the path to peace is characterized as remembering, or recalling, the essence of who we are.
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive.
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“In one sacred moment, my questions were hushed”   -from the popular song The Spirit of Fatima, by Don Maclean* (see lyrics and link below) “UNUSUAL LIFE EXPERIENCES” CAN GROW DOS
  • In his December webcast, Mike Kerr stated: “Bowen said there were two ways to grow DOS. Work on the family of origin and unusual life experiences”.
  • .
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When self is embedded in others, our problem seems to be without.  But is within. • a son’s new wife doesn’t want to visit • a mother refuses to accept her dementia • a spouse won’t move with us to Hawaii The problem is not our Self but its embeddedness. • a child gets cancer • a president we revile • social.
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Musings on the Multigenerational Family as an Emotional Field of Consciousness Erik Thompson May 21, 2021 Have you ever experienced mysterious connectivity among the ancestral multi-generational family? Decades ago, I called my father for our unplanned, random, somewhat monthly chat.  As the connection became audible on my end, I heard him talking to someone on his end, and then.
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(Colleagues: Here are some summer notes from my inner/outer research on the effect of long-term mediation on differentiation of self.) I am interested in a state of awareness described by ancient texts, and translated as "knowingness".  My colleague and fellow meditation researcher Mark Roberts, and increasingly I, at times, experience a clear, concentrated, abstract sense of.
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