About: Erik

Recent Posts by Erik

The Vermont Center for Family Studies just finished our 2nd Vermont conference on Bowen Theory (BT) and meditation, which was inspired by the Center for Family Consultation's Chicago meeting a few years ago. As I indicated in my opening remarks, a more specific theme of these meetings is differentiation and consciousness. I laid out Dr..
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I wrote the following note to a middle-aged client who had painful divorces in the past.  Now he's with a woman who he loves, respects, and trusts. But there is a problem.  In the quest to achieve the elusive balance between "adequate emotional contact" and "adequate emotional space" she is frustrated, which frustrates.
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Mike Kerr’s recent book “Bowen Theory’s Secrets” contains a chapter on the potential 9th concept that clarifies points such as:
  • Bowen theory is about things, and not about the existence or non-existenceof the supernatural.
  • The 9thconcept should be about the function of unproven beliefs rather than the validity of their content. This is the key to.
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Authors Note:  This is an early rough draft of the opening section of a longer paper in process   Vedic Science and Bowen Theory/Transcendence and DOS An Interdisciplinary Study     All humans are born beneath a moon. If we wake in the stillness of the night, and step outside our little house beneath the mountain, the full moon can teach us.
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FEST Colleagues, Just a quick note to say we are organizing a 2 day conference on the science of meditation and family that will occur September 28+29 in Vermont.  We are bringing together Fred Travis, a NIH funded meditation researcher, Laurie Lassiter, and myself to further this multi-disciplinary dialogue.  We are accepting abstracts for 15 minute.
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Last night I was dining with my 80-year-old mother and my niece.   It was Mother's first meal at the assisted living facility she moved into the day prior.  The salad was fresh, the chicken nuggets weren't, and Mom was distressed.  A strained smile tried to still her quivering lip. "I know I shouldn't say this,.
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In a recent meeting of the web based “Bowen Theory and Meditation” study group, sponsored by the Center for Family Consultation in Chicago, a Bowen theory scholar presented the following passage from a letter by Murray Bowen. On February 10, 1976, Bowen wrote about Transcendental Meditation and Yoga, in response to a woman from a.
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Bowen theory and Vedic wisdom are distinct bodies of knowledge. But how complimentary are they?  Among the traditional methods of growing basic self in Bowen theory, is transcendence a viable addition? Many Bowen theorists agree that meditation, like exercise, can help people cope and function better.  But can it do more? This essay continues my.
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TITLE:  Does Meditation Foster Differentiation of Self?   Erik Thompson, MA Licensed Psychologist-Masters Principal, Thompson Leadership Development, Inc. and Executive Director, Vermont Center for Family Studies   “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”   -The Yoga Vashishtha, 6th Century BC   Bowen theorists have developed a unique set of tools for.
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