About: Laura Havstad

Recent Posts by Laura Havstad

I’m working on a presentation for the New England conference on the human relationship to the land and each other coming in June.  Here’s the shape of it so far. What might be most helpful feedback is learning what doesn’t make sense as you read it, what needs filling in, correcting, defining.

I'm visiting family and working on various other things. I haven't been motivated to write. My family and my relationships have been number 1 along with significant personal business that has absorbed my energies along with my work re: the coming election. Maybe I will get back to writing for February's.

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“Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong.  They are conflicts between two rights”.  George Wilhelm Fiedrich Hegel On the radio recently, and in the same vein, I heard one of the official negotiators from one of the Israeli Palestinian peace efforts put it this way -- the conflict between Israel and.
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  The Symptom and the System: As modelled in the Family Diagram app by Patrick Stinson With the Applied variables of the Havstad Model, A Framework for Clinical research Based on Bowen Theory  Hello Festwg, The link above is to a 30 minute video I just recorded, demonstrating the use of Patrick Stinson’s Family Diagram App with.
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