About: Laurie Lassiter

Recent Posts by Laurie Lassiter

Following is just a collection of (somewhat) related ideas, more like questions really, begun as a planned talk that was uncompleted for the New England Seminar on Bowen Theory’s Societal conference, 10/02/15. Thank you for any ideas, objections, or questions!   I got started by an interest in Pope Frances and the statements by many that what.
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Some personal reflections on learning more about mammalian social behavior   I have been curious about the recent studies of mammal social groups.  As scientists learn more about mammal social behavior, they gain a more filled-in picture of the animals’ close ties to others in their social group, as well as their allegiance to the group as.
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The Triangle as a Regulatory Mechanism Murray Bowen was an early theorist of regulatory functions of systems, though he focused only on one system, the human family.  New discoveries in biology are revealing how much life is made up of systems with regulatory mechanisms. One of the best summaries of the new knowledge of regulatory systems in.
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