About: Stephanie Ferrera

Recent Posts by Stephanie Ferrera

The thinking here was spurred by recent news of the death of Russian mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, and information in the news about his life and activities.  The founder of the Wagner group, Prigozhin built a fortune by organizing militias, groups of fighters who could be employed for combat or security services by.

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Sexual reproduction: Nature’s gift, Nature’s Challenge work in progress by Stephanie Ferrera “We are very different people. We just can’t communicate.” These are words often spoken by couples in marriage counselling. Sexual reproduction brings two “very different people” together in a partnership that has the potential to bring new life into the world, to form the foundation.
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I have been fascinated with the book and the PBS documentary, both titled: The Serengeti Rules. Molecular biologist, scientist writer, and gifted story-teller Sean B.Carroll, proposes that complex biological systems are regulated by rules. The first hundred pages cover a century or more of science in physiology, genetics, and neuroscience to discern the rules.
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Learning Bowen Theory My first acquaintance with the thinking of Murray Bowen was through reading “On the Differentiation of Self,” the paper in which Dr. Bowen presents his theory and describes how it guided his effort toward differentiation of self in his own family. In my first couple of readings, I understood little of the.
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The social hierarchy and Laurie Lassiter’s chapter in the Handbook of Bowen Family Systems Theory and Research Methods I have been interested in the subject of the social hierarchy for a while. My reading of Sapolsky, deWaal, E. O. Wilson, and other scientists has helped me understand the adaptive value of groups organizing rank orders.
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